Photo by Lumos Images
You look like a winner.
Still looking for a caterer? Well that’s what we do at Unique Dining!
Enter to win a $500 credit toward wedding catering. The not-so-fine print: You’re venue has to be cool with us catering there, we have to be available for your date, you’ve got 30 days to book us (so by 2/18/25), and the credit is good for food and beverage subtotals of $3000 and up. We definitely want you to taste the food first if you’d like, so a tasting at our HQ in Andover is included in your winnings.
Good luck! Godspeed! And congrats on getting married!
Enter the raffle here
And we can stay in touch.
Share your contact information here so we can keep in touch. We’d love to grab your info to enter you into the raffle software and because we will be hosting a ton of giveaways this spring and would love to keep you in the know.